Friday, October 16, 2009

Project 3: Poster Design for "Freedom of Expression"

Creative brief:

In the West, we have the luxury of saying what we want 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But it only takes 24 seconds to say something to help bring a positive change in countries where freedom of expression is still a dream.

It really doesn’t take much to register your unhappiness with a situation – a click of your mouse to turn your avatar green, a little time to sign up a petition or fill out an email to send to a newspaper, a few euros or dollars to send money to where it’s needed. Small acts that when joined together become a movement for change that can’t be ignored.
Because when a country or regime is being watched, it has to behave, or risk further censure from the international community. When people talk, governments have to listen. Except that in some countries people aren’t allowed to talk. So we’ve got to talk for them.
In the United States of America we’ve seen recently what the power of collective action can achieve. Now we must harness the same power to speak for those people who can’t call for change in their own countries.


The pen is mightier than the sword.
Get people to make full use of their freedom of expression to change intolerant regimes.

Please read carefully these instructions before submitting your entry.
To submit your poster just click on the link at the bottom of the page.

Poster requirements:
- Previously unpublished artwork
- Vertical format 50×70cm poster
- File dimension 2953×4134 pixels
- File resolution 150 DPI
- File color space RGB
- File format JPG (not progressive)
- File size smaller than 4MB

Photo requirements:
- Personal portrait or portrait of the whole team
- File dimension 1063×1597 pixels
- File resolution 300 DPI
- File color space RGB
- File format JPG (not progressive)
- File size smaller than 4MB

Written piece requirements:
- Explanation of the concept or author’s thought on freedom of expression
- No longer than 800 characters (spaces included)
- Written in English

Submissions will be accepted until:
Noon (CET time) 15th of November, 2009

You will be submitting hard copies to us on November 10th. Tuesday.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cult of the ugly

Project 1: Graphic Design is...

In this project you are asked to build a visual message by using marks, images, photography, illustration, and typography. As a designer your task is creation of visual ideas. On the other hand, visual experience can be subjective and determined by audience, intention of designer, culture, history, politics, tradition, syntax, habits, economy, aesthetic values, ethics, and technology.

Express your idea about design through a project.
Supposed that your target group is the first year students.

Subject: Exploration of what is graphic design?
Brief: Your work should promote your idea of ‘design’. Original drawings, photos, or prints are accepted. There are no restrictions on medium.
Format: 40/40 cm.
Given on: September 10. 2009.
Due To: September 29. 2009.

Good stuff